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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Cannot find a product you want?

If you are interested in a product that does not appear in our catalogue, please feel free to reach out to us through our contact form.

How do I reset my password?
Click the user icon for mobile or login text for desktop on the top right of the page on the header, once the pop-up for the login prompt appears, click Forgot Password and you will be sent a link to reset your password for the account associated with the email. After clicking on the link, you will be sent to the page to reset it. If you have lost access to your email with an associated account, we will be willing to change it upon proving ownership.
Do you have a return policy?

We typically do not accept returns of our products if it has been opened as we cannot ensure what is being returned is the same product. We do provide returns and refunds under certain circumstances which are listed in our shipping & returns policy page.

What payment methods do you offer?

We currently offer Stripe for credit card and debit card payment. We also offer PayPal as an alternative payment method, for those who wish to pay in cryptocurrency, we offer Coinbase as an alternative. All our payment processors are safe and secure and we do not store your financial information on our servers in compliance with PCI DSS standards.

Unable to proceed to checkout?

If you are unable to proceed to checkout from cart or if you try to access the checkout and it gives a 524 error code, please clear your cache. Another instance where this could happen is if you are trying to access the checkout with a VPN whilst trying to checkout.

Do you have a shipping & return policy?

We have a shipping & return policy to protect you from any mishaps that may occur during shipping. If there is an issue with your order, please feel free to contact us through our website or send an email to [email protected]

We currently only ship to customers in the US only. Our shipping is through USPS Priority Mail. If you are looking to purchase a product to a country and you are outside the US, please contact us at [email protected]

Last updated 6/19/2024

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